New season, new category, new weightclass

Keumgang open 2022, Juniors, -45kg. SF win against Theodoris Moysidis 14-0 (pun) Final win against Len Beekman 28-6 pointgap… First gold medal in the juniors is a fact!.. Next stop: Golem, Albanië, the Presidentscup G2
4 days trainingcamp at Numburk Tjechie

Hard trainingsessions from Viktor Jankovsky and Jelle Vicca. Good testmatches and a lot of fun. Should have won the squitgames!
Season recap 2021

My last year as a cadet, due to the pandamic a short year with some big highlights. It was short but good.. Sofia Open Bulgary G1 -37 kg Multi europeangames G2 -37 kg Keumgang open -41 kg European cadetchampionship Estonia -41 kg Estonia open G1 -41 kg Poland open G1 -41 kg Albanian open G1 […]