My last year as a cadet, due to the pandamic a short year with some big highlights. It was short but good..
Sofia Open Bulgary G1 -37 kg
Multi europeangames G2 -37 kg
Keumgang open -41 kg
European cadetchampionship Estonia -41 kg
Estonia open G1 -41 kg
Poland open G1 -41 kg
Albanian open G1 -41 kg
Dutch open G1 -41 kg
Wallonië Open -45 kg
5th French open G1 -41 kg
Brussels Open -45 kg
Ranked 5th at World Europe taekwondo rankings (shoud be 2nd they forgot 10 points of dutchopen)
Now on to the juniors -45 KG.Next up 2022: Dutch Nationals..
Big thnx to everybody who helped me in getting better